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Congratulations to the winners of the EYE Quiz Tournament, awarded in the official ceremony at the European Parliament - a finale to a long journey of hard work that got them on the podium! The online tournament, organized by EucA, took student participants from all over Europe on a thrilling adventure from mid-March online to the grand finale at EYE2023 in June in person in Strasbourg. The tournament was focused on topics such as the tangible impact of EU policies on everyday life in local neighborhoods, the exploration of European values and rights, and the EU's environmental approaches. Teams battled it out, answering questions that put their EU mastery to the test. The first part of the quiz took part in the form of a TV Game Show streamed on Twitch. Only the two best teams qualified attended the final round in person in Strasbourg. EQT also landed in the High Schools! The numbers? 400 participants, 55 matches, and 10 student winners who arrived, also in Brussels to honor their victory in the competition. “Being present at the heart of the European Union marks a splendid culmination of our journey." Says Federico B., one of the Italian students of the winning team from the University of Genoa. Students were awarded during a ceremony that took place at the end of an event organized by EucA, EDISU Piemonte, and LLLP - on the topic “From Study Success to Student Success: The Role of Student Affairs & Services in Skills Development." The speakers initiated a compelling discussion, delving into subjects ranging from the role of educators in students’ skills development to the EU’s actions directed towards the integration of policies on student affairs. It was an intense day filled with celebration, brainstorming, and learning. Once again, congratulations to the brilliant minds shaping the future of the EU!

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