Discover the new platform created by EucA to inspire proactive young people's civic
Engagement! Thanks to the expertise developed in the last years in active citizenship, the website changemakers have finally come to life!
A place where to collect stories and projects with selected opportunities for enthusiastic protagonists of their communities.
Given the nowadays low levels of civic engagement and participation, it is crucial to promote active citizenship, especially with young people. EucA supports the democratic participation of the young students and the concept of European citizenship through European projects as Message to Europeans 3.0, Europeans Go Digital! and others initiatives.
Thanks to experiential learning activities like debates, mock trials, hybrid debates or simulations, people can express and debate their opinions under the spotlight of digital participation, artificial intelligence, citizenship and much more. All the programs let students with different socio-economic backgrounds actively participate in events and civic initiatives all around Europe.
Make an impact!
Do you want to be an EU changemaker? Follow us and apply to take part in one of our events.
The future is yours, make it happen!