A platform to inspire proactive young people's civic engagement. Discover unique opportunities to grow as protagonists of the future of Europe!
The FUTURE is yours!
MAKE IT happen!
Welcome! Changemakers is a place to discover and enjoy new ideas, opinions, values, and skills.
Join us, get informed, and take advantage of your rights and duties as young citizens!​
"Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!"
J. F. Kennedy

Dubrovnik, Croatia, hosted the big finale of Gen Z Votes!
On 25 - 28 April 2024, young people from across Europe came together for the fourth time to raise their voices and get creative, showing why it's important to take part in civic activities, especially leading up to the EU Elections.
“I met tons of people from all over the world. It was wonderful!” N.S., Italy
During these 4 days, participants poured their hearts and skills into crafting inspiring videos aimed at motivating their peers into voting in the upcoming European elections. Along with the original Youth Squads, new participants embarked on a mission to spread the message of active citizenship far and wide.
The next European elections will be held between 6 and 9 June 2024, and with them, the possibility of change and renewal sparks new hope in the old continent.
However, this exciting occasion doesn’t seem to be bringing much enthusiasm among European youth, a disillusioned group that represents 25% of Europe’s population. According to the Eurobarometer, only 56% of people between 15 and 24 years old are likely to go to the ballots this summer. .
Encouraging young people to vote is of vital importance to guarantee Europe’s democratic progress. The role of civic societies and associations working for youth is not underestimated in this process. So… what can we do about this?
“From the time I arrived, I started learning, meeting new people and making memories. This is my first EU event and the experience is really European. When we started working together I got to see different perspectives on different things. I have a long way ahead. This event helped me to be more socially active, express myself and made me a team player.”
EGD Szeged Participant
"The Rome Hackathon was my first ever. I was not sure what to expect but I hoped I would be able to come up with interesting solutions for the challenge, learn new things in the process, and get to meet new people. It's been 3 days since I got back and I still can't believe how great it was. It exceeded my hopes in all ways possible."
EGD Rome Participant
“Excellent organization, treatment and conduct of the event. Useful skills for critical issues of our times, and an opportunity for reflections and finding solutions with the help of young people from all over the world."
EGD Szeged Participant
Events and Opportunities for European Active Citizens
EucA acts as a springboard for young people who want to pursue international careers or are keen on education or youth policies.
Either in person or online, we offer both traineeships (for graduates or students about to graduate) and internships (for students still enrolled in their university) in two of our lines of work: Projects and Communication.
EU Aid Volunteers initiative brings together volunteers and organizations from different countries, providing practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contributing to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities.
The European Solidarity Corps helps young people take part in projects that benefit communities, either abroad or in their own country.
You can get involved in a wide range of fields such as education, citizenship, and democratic participation, natural protection, migration.